DNS for Email Best Practices
SproutDNS helps you comply with email authentication and alignment best practices - including the requirements recently announced by Google and Yahoo - by providing set-and-forget dynamically templated DNS for customer-specific domains.
Flexible DNS for Email Providers
If you need to have customer-specific DNS generated automatically for thousands of customers and want it to just work as you onboard new customers you may have wished for DNS that works like this:
selector._domainkey.customer.example.com. CNAME \
Or like this:
_dmarc.customer.example.com. TXT \
"v=DMARC1 p=none rua=rua+customer@example.com"
... for any value of selector or customer that's asked for.
SproutDNS can do all that by matching regular expressions in DNS queries and synthesizing answers using those values.
It's like DNS wildcards turned up to eleven.
SproutDNS is in pre-release. See our documentation for more technical details and how to install a copy with a demo license.
If you're interested in using SproutDNS in production sign up for our waitlist. If you need it right now, contact us.